Power to the (correct) People!
Campus protest rally
Vietnam War protest rally at Bronson Park, Kalamazoo
7,000 students marched this day
Feeling caged and helpless
Marching from WMU campus to downtown Kalamazoo
The night of protesting the earlier closing hours of the student union
The night of protesting the earlier closing hours of the student union
The cops were primed for action
The State Police moved in to clear Michigan Avenue through campus
This is the night I was arrested for "unlawful assembly".
Clearing the street through campus
Stressing out for reasons unknown
Free jams in the Valley
Free jams in the Valley
Hitchhiking was common and accepted in the 1960s
No I.D., no law-breaker will he be
Hitchhiking was common and accepted in the 1960s
A 7-Up aficionado
Chemistry class
Crowd for an anti-war speaker in a campus lecture hall
Crowd for an anti-war speaker in a campus lecture hall
Greek games
Crowd for an anti-war speaker in a campus classroom
anti-war speaker
Everly Brothers wanna-bees
Homecoming antics
Greeks at Homecoming parade
football fans
Mimes were an ever-present threat
unknown band
Greek Games
Outdoor concert in the Valley
Check the price, and the insinuation.
Campus radio station
Borgess School of Nursing graduates, Kalamazoo MI
Nursing School students
cross-country track
Campus student government officers
Smoke 'em if you got 'em. Legal and allowed.
WMU basketball
Greek Games: VW races
Greek Games
Student group hosting city kids for Christmas party
"Kennedy", a folk singer
Early computer machinery
Campus newspaper management/editors
goofing off
VW Beetles were the big thing in the 1060s
Old-fashioned telephone operator
unknown location
A classic Pontiac ambulance
Rates at the new campus parking deck
Peace to the anti-war marchers
The Fortran computer office
WMU's first computer
WMU's first computer
WMU's first computer area
WMU's first computer setup
Plenty of seating in the new campus library
The card catalogue
The new library
Please take one
More trouble with students
Trouble at the high school too
Protesting at a job fair on campus
Too much noise? Was this a Greek joke?
packing 'em in for something or other, unknown
Anti-war protesters sleep-in/out
Entertainer Stu Mitchell
Football homecoming queen and court
Just chilling
unknown student
Boxed lunches were devoured
African family on campus
Winters were brutal in Kalamazoo
Summers were better
At the campus radio station, spinning 45s.
Swim team winners (from Ohio U)
Chemistry class
Homecoming parade
Homecoming parade
Sorority girls?
Never without her guitar
Sorority women?
toward the new library
Time off at the fountain
Kent State shooting aftermath
Campus bookstore, first week of classes
Protests seemed never-ending
A professor stops to interact with the protesters
Big anti-war rally
Note the broken windows in the background
One of the more privileged kids on campus
WMU President Miller talks with protesters
WMU President Miller talks with protesters
Anti-war sit-in at the County Courthouse, Kalamazoo
Sometime one just needs to play and dance.
Back when newspapers were newspapers
At Western Michigan University, 1968
This was one of my very first paid "commercial" gigs, shooting the book cover photos for this WMU professor